Three Card Spreads
1. The context
2. The focus
3. The outcome
This reading explores the basic life elements that will provide guidance to the querent. The cards combine with each other in the usual way to form the basis of an outcome.
1. The background (past)
2. The problem (present)
3. The advice (future)
1. Minor Arcana - represent the What
2. Court Card - represent the Who
3. Major Arcanca - represent the Why
For this spread all the Court cards represent people, Pages representing young people and Knights representing immature or inexperienced people.
Answer 1, 8 Pentacles - Yes, if you are prepared to put in the required extra effort
Answer 2, 8 Wands - No, you will find yourself under too much time pressure to get work done
However, often the answer is less clear with such cards as Pages or one from the Cups suit. Deeper answers may be required involving personal relationships or perhaps reasons why someone may want to change jobs. In these situations a more in-depth spread is required and hence it is better to use a three card or pentagram spread. A three card Yes/No spread is more insightful, the cards represent the following:
Card 1 - Supporting factor
Card 2 - Opposing factor
Card 3 - Deciding factor
This spread still does not necessarily provide all the information the querent needs or even a definite yes/no outcome, but it goes much further than a single card. It does however provide reasons or factors surrounding the question that should be taken into account.
Card 1 - Page of Pentacles (Neutral)
Card 2 - 8 of Wands (Yes)
Card 3 - 9 of Swords (No)
The page suggests the job will provide opportunities for personal growth, however this is opposed by the 8 Wands which suggests you will need to focus and be put under a lot of time pressure. Finally the 9 Swords suggests you will be faced with a lot of worry and anxiety. Hence the answer is No.